The candidate's education information.

schoolName*stringThe name of the school.
schoolType*stringType of school such as university.
degree*object (EducationDegree)Degree received upon completion of education.
schoolIDNumber*stringThe unique ID of the school within your platform.
addressobject(Address)Address of the place of education.
aliasGivenNamestringIf another first name was used while attending the place of education.
aliasFamilyNamestringIf another last name was used while attending the place of education.
departmentstringThe department of education from which the candidate graduated.
startDatestringDate that education at this institution started. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD.
endDatestringDate that education at this institution was completed. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD.
emailstringThe school email address of the candidate.
phonestringPhone number of the institution.
faxstringFax number of the institution.
notesstringAny additional notes to add pertaining to a specific education instance.
typestringType must be "faa" or "default".
"educationHistory": [
      "major":"Software Systems",
      "addressLine":"University District",
    "department":"Computer Science",
    "email":"[email protected]",