The candidate's employment history.

employerNamestringName of previous employer.
currentEmployerbooleanA boolean to confirm whether this is the candidate's current employer.
jobTitlestringCandidate's job title under this employment.
startDatestringStart date of employment. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD.
employmentTypestringType of employment such as "contract" or "full time".
departmentstringDepartment candidate worked under.
permissionToContactbooleanWhether candidate gave permission to contact their previous employer.
reasonForLeavingstringCandidate's reason for leaving employer.
salaryobject(EmploymentSalary)Candidate's salary at this place of employment.
verificationobject(EmployementVerification)Supervisor or manager information.
notesstringAny additional notes on this employer.
typestringType must be "faa" or "default" or "dot".
        "addressLine":"ABC company",
      "email":"[email protected]",